Wednesday 18 December 2013

Medlar cheese - grand finale!

Generally I  followed  this Victorian recipe by Theodore Garrett The Encyclopaedia of Practical Cookery (London 188) featured in    Historic Food
Put some Medlars into an earthernware jar, stand it in a saucepan with boiling water nearly to the top and keep it boiling gently over a slow fire. When the Medlars are quite soft, pass them through a fine hair sieve, and weigh the pulp, and for every pound allow one and a half breakfast cups of coarsely crushed loaf sugar and half a teaspoonful of allspice. Put all the ingredients together in the preserving pan, and stir them over the fire with a wooden spoon until thickly reduced, skimming occasionally. Turn the cheese into moulds, and keep them in a cold place. When ready to serve, turn the cheeses out of the moulds on to a dish.

From Theodore Garrett The Encyclopaedia of Practical Cookery (London 188)
 but I decided to use earthenware sloow cooker instead
and coconut blossom unrefined sugar ( reducing the amount a little)

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