Tuesday 24 January 2012

Social Psychology of Music: Nurtured by Love: Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

Social Psychology of Music: Nurtured by Love: Dr. Shinichi Suzuki:

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Nurtured by Love: Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

Nurtured by Love: The Classic Approach to Talent Education, by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki
Published in 1983, Translated by Waltraud Suzuki.
Summy-Brichard Inc.
Prepared by: SarahRose Black

 great reading

Shinichi Suzuki’s classic approach to music education, known as “Talent Education” is outlined in his 1983 publication “Nurtured by Love”. To briefly summarize the content of the book, Dr. Suzuki’s premise is that every child is capable of achieving a level of excellence if they are trained correctly; this “training” involves Suzuki’s famous “mother-tongue approach”, during which a child is exposed to the music they are going to learn many months before they actually pick up the instrument. Suzuki’s idea came from his observations of Japanese mothers interacting with their children. He noticed that the constant talking of mothers to their children led to the (almost) inevitable reproduction of the sounds from the baby some months later.

 When our then 3 yo son decided `he wants to play violin` and didn`t  give up the idea, after about a year of his nagging, we finally took him seriously and that`s how we came across the Suzuki method. Now he is into his second year of learning and he made huge progress. What`s more, his older sister joined him too.

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