Saturday 12 January 2013

Italian Pillow Cookies

  Just made those tonight. Very yummy!!
 Even without icing. And the filling is perfect

1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup cream cheese
3/4 cup confectioners Swerve (or powdered erythritol and 1 tsp stevia glycerite)
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 egg
1/2 tsp Celtic sea salt
2 cups blanched almond flour
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/2 lb walnuts (or pecans/macadamia nuts/almonds)
2 TBS butter or coconut oil
1/2 cup Swerve (or erythritol and 1/2 tsp stevia glycerite)
1 tsp cinnamon
2 egg whites
1 cup confectioners' Swerve (or powdered erythritol and 1 tsp stevia glycerite)
1 tsp almond extract (or other extract... orange maybe!)
2 TBS unsweetened almond milk

Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. In a large bowl, cream the butter and the cream cheese for 1 minute. Add the natural sweetener and continue mixing until creamy. Add the egg, extract and salt and mix again. Stir in the flours, baking powder and salt. Combine until smooth. Refrigerate until ready to use.

To make the filling, either process the nuts through a food processor until finely chopped (just a little larger than all-out ground), or chop by hand. Combine the chopped nuts with the natural sweetener and cinnamon and then add in the melted butter or coconut oil. Mix well, making sure there are no large clumps. Add the egg whites and again, mix well.

Roll out a piece of dough into a rectangle on a greased piece of parchment paper, measuring about 6 inches by 18 inches. Spread ¼ of the nut filling onto the dough, leaving a small border around the perimeter of the dough. Roll up as you would a jelly roll, with the short ends to the left and right of you, and seal the ends. Cut the roll into 1-inch pieces and place on the cookie sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the tops are just slightly starting to turn brown. Cool completely. Repeat with the remaining pieces of dough and remaining filling. Once the cookies are cooled, prepare the icing by mixing together the confectioners' Swerve, extract, and enough milk to achieve the desired consistency. You'll want the icing to be thick enough to not be runny, but still easily spreadable. Ice the tops of the cookies and let set completely before storing in an airtight container.  Makes 32 servings.


 Wloskie ciastka `poduszki`
1/2 kubka masla 
( kubek= 220ml)
1/2 kubka serka twarogowego ( ricotta, mascarpone czy inny bez dodatkow)
3 lyzki xylitolu czy odpowiednik innego naturalnego cukru o niskim IG ( z wyjatkiem fruktozy, syropu z agawy)
1/4 lyzeczki sody
1 lyzeczka naturalnego ekstraktu ( migdalowy, pomaranczowy, cytrynowy lub inny)
1/2soli wysoko mineralowej ( celtycka, himalajska)
2 kubki maki migdalowej (mielonych migdalow)
1/4 kubka maki kokosowej

ok 300g drobno siekanych orzechow ( wloskie, macadamia, pekan, migdaly czy inne)
2 lyzki masla lub oleju kokosowego
2 lyzki ksylitolu lub innego cukru ( j/w)
1 lyzeczka cynamonu
2 bialka
4 lyzki xylitolu ( lub j/w)
1 lyzeczka ekstraktu migdalowego ( naturalny) lub innego
2 lyski nieslodzonego mleka migdalowego ( lub smietany)

Piekarnik ustawic na 150 C
W duzej misce utrzec maslo i serek ( przez ok minute, na gladka mase)
Dodac cukier i znowu wymieszac na gladko.  Dodac jajko i ekstrakt  mieszajac ciagle.
W osobnym naczyniu wymieszac maki z soda i sola. Dodac stopniowo do masy maslanej
Wymieszac dokladnie.
 Odstawic do lodowki

orzechy posiekac dosc drobno ( ja wymieszalam mielone orzechy wloskie z pekanem grubiej posiekanym w malakserze).
Doslodzic i dodac cynamon i stopiony tluszcz
 Wymieszac dokladnie na jednolita mase i powoli dodac lekko roztrzepane bialka
Ponownie wymieszac do polaczenia

 Ciasto wyjac z lodowki
ok 1/4 wylozyc na papier do pieczenia rozlozony na stolnicy.
 Rozwalkowac ( mozna rowniez przez papier rozlozony na gorze) na prostokat o bokach ok 10 cm x 30cm
1/4 nadzienie rozlozyc na ciescie zostawiajac miejsce wokol calego obwodu
Zwinac  (wzdluz dluzszego boku ) i pokroic pstrym nozem na plastry grubosci ok 2,5 cm
Rozlozyc na wylozonej papierem blasze i piec ok 15-20 min na zloto-brazowy kolor.
 Wyjac i odstawic do wystygniecia.
 To samo z reszta ciasta.
 Gotowe ciastka polukrowac

 wymieszac cukier z ekstraktem i mlekiem ( tylko tyle by uzyskac stosowna konsystencje)

Roll out a piece of dough into a rectangle on a greased piece of parchment paper, measuring about 6 inches by 18 inches. Spread ¼ of the nut filling onto the dough, leaving a small border around the perimeter of the dough. Roll up as you would a jelly roll, with the short ends to the left and right of you, and seal the ends. Cut the roll into 1-inch pieces and place on the cookie sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the tops are just slightly starting to turn brown. Cool completely. Repeat with the remaining pieces of dough and remaining filling. Once the cookies are cooled, prepare the icing by mixing together the confectioners' Swerve, extract, and enough milk to achieve the desired consistency. You'll want the icing to be thick enough to not be runny, but still easily spreadable. Ice the tops of the cookies and let set completely before storing in an airtight container.  Makes 32 servings.

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