Tuesday 1 April 2014

Monogamy is not natural? You’re right about that. It’s supernatural.

Monogamy is unnatural | The Matt Walsh Blog

`Monogamy is not natural. You’re right about that.

It’s supernatural.

It’s above our nature. It might not be realistic. Space flight isn’t
realistic, either. If I wanted to be natural, I could live in a hole
like a rodent, eat insects, and scamper from one mate to the next,
until, after a life of nothingness, I die alone in the cold darkness,
decomposing into the dirt without anyone ever noticing. That would be
natural. It’s probably pretty realistic, too. So it is fortunate that I
am a human being and I am given the chance to transcend the existence
of a rat or a lizard. I have the opportunity to experience supernatural
things like love, and sacrifice, and commitment.`

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