Monday 23 May 2016

Lilac tea in making

prefermented caramel tasting lilac tea
collect lilac blossom
place in a clean jar ( squeezing in as many as possible )
close the jar tightly and place it in a warm place ( min. 35C ) until the blossom looses its colour
( becomes white )
12 hours in 35C and approx 2 h in 45C
remove blossom from the jar and allow to air dry
it will oxigenize almost instantly becoming brown

1 tsp per teacup covered with boiling water for a lovely caramel tasting amber drink

 This tea contains approx  same level of tanins as any regular black tea
At the same time, it`s theine free
It rgulates digestion and repairs liver dammage.
It contains syringin wthat is a biochemical compound with hepaprotective qualities
Syringine has also soothing effect on liver ( especially so called fatty liver )

Especially recommanded
* for liver detox
*after a course od antibiotics when liver is affected the same way it occures in cases of alcohol addiction
* for tabacco detox
*in any cases of liver disfunction: fatty liver, gallbladder issues, gallstones, liver stones etc

Polish please 

also see

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