Wednesday, 27 July 2016

nutty-fruity bars

Low Carbs pancakes

 3 tbsp coconut oil ( softened)
1 cup almond flour
2 TBSP coconut flour
1 TBSP arrowroot
1 tsp baking soda
 pinch of salt
real vanilla, lemon rind or flavouring of your choice
 extra coconut oil for frying

 for topping
melted butter
natural sweetener/honey, maple syrup
or dry fruit
 fresh fruit
( here pomegranate)
cream/coconut cream/soft cheese

for best result use fresh, organic quality ingredients

Oxtail Stew

Lemon Bars for picnic

       Recipe source

with slight modification
3/4 cup blanched almond flour
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup coconut oil or butter
1 TBSP natural sweetener of your choice

1/2 tsp salt

CRUST: Preheat oven to 170C. Grease a square glass pan. In a medium bowl, mix ingredients. This will be a thick cookie crust; press onto bottom of pan. Place in oven to pre-bake the crust. Bake for 15 minutes or until lightly golden brown. Remove from oven and set aside to cool.


3 large eggs
1-2 TBSP natural sweetener of your choice

1/2 tsp aluminum free baking powder
 ( I used bicarbonate of soda - 1/2 tsp approx.)
1/4 tsp Celtic sea salt
4 TBS lemon juice
( also added some lemon rind)1 tsp cream of tartar

separate yolks and whites
In a medium bowl, beat yolks with a little sweetener until creamy and white
Add lemon juice, lemon rind and soda.
 Mix gently and pour the mixture evenly over the pre-baked crust.

 Whisk egg whites with a little sweetener until stiff
Add cream of tartar and mix gently until combined.
 Pour evenly on top of  yolk filling.

Bake again for about 15-20 minutes or until set.
Let cool.
Store in fridge or freezer in an airtight container. Makes about 16 bars.

3/4 szkl maki migdalowej
1/4 cszkl maki kokosowej
1/2 szkl oleju kokosowego lub masla
1 lyzka naturalnego cukru ( mozna wiecej gdy ktos lubi )

1/2 lyzeczki soli

 Wlaczyc piekarnik i nagrzac do temp
170C. Natluscic kwadratowa forme
w misce polaczyc skladniki( ja mieszam mikserem )Wyjdzie gesta, lepka konsystencja.
Przelozyc  do formy i dobrze wykleic spod  
Podpiec ok 15 min
 Wyjac z piekarnika i lekko przestudzic

3 duze jaja - oddzielic zoltka od bialek
2 lyzki naturalnego cukru ( uzylam nierafinowanowanego kokosowego )

uwaga: w przepisie jest wiecej tego cukru - ok pol szkl wiec jesli ktos lubi slodkie to jw

1/2 lyzeczki peroszku do pieczenia
 ( ja uzylam ok 1/2 lyzeczki sody i odrobine winianu potasu )
1/4 lyzeczki soli
4 lyzki soku z cytryny
( ja tez dodalam starta skorke cytrynowa)
 dodatkowo 1 lyzeczka winianu potasu
w sredniej misce ubic do bialosci zoltka z cukrem
 dodac sok i skorke cytrynowa, sode ( sode i sol mozna wczesniej dac do soku z cytryny)
i delikatnie wymieszac

Wylac na podpieczony spod
 i rozprowadzic rowno

Bialka ubic na sztywna piane, pod koniec dodac winian potasu i wylozyc na zoltkowa mase

 Piec 15-20 min w ok 150C
 Wyjac i odstawic do wystygniecia

Przechowywac w lodowce
 pokroic na kwadraty ( wyjdzie ok 16)

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Monday, 25 July 2016

Fermented herbs dressing

Fermented herbs

These are great used as seasoning, like an amazing, flavoured salt. I add them to broths, stuffed flatbreads, and they also make a great burger relish.
1 bunch of dill
1 bunch of parsley
1 bunch of sorrel
1 stick of leafy celery
4 spring onions
4 tbsp sea salt
1 In a large, shallow container, sprinkle the salt between layers of the herbs and veg, left whole and intact with their stalks on. Cover with a muslin cloth and weigh the layers down. Leave out in your kitchen for 5-7 days, and wash the cloth every day. Pack the herbs into a sterilised jar and keep in a cool place – they will change colour but they should not become mouldy. Rinse the herbs well before use.