Saturday, 31 January 2015

Little Bigfoot Bunny Revised 2014 Amigurumi Video Tutorial ~ Amigurumi To Go

Little Bigfoot Bunny Revised 2014 Amigurumi Video Tutorial ~ Amigurumi To Go

Friday, 23 January 2015

Crochet elephant snuggle

and my very own effort
                             all natural, organic bamboo and cotton yarn , merino wool stuffing

Crochet elephant snuggle | Dendennis amigurumistDendennis amigurumist

Monday, 12 January 2015

Shell pattern beany hat

 source - free pattern

Ballet slippers

                             not following pattern. I sort of made it up ( trial and error style )

                                                     Beginning with 26s chain for size 6

Knitted Socks - my debut

I came across this beautiful yarn called  SummerStripe ( Sirdar, 60% cotton )
 and decided to have a go at socks knitting. As I am also rather new to knitting ,  this was quite a challenge ( 5 needles, fine yarn, lots of  tricky bits etc). However with lots of great help from YT tutorials ( thank you Kelley ) I managed to get by and am rather pleased with the result ( especially the heal)

Low Carb Raspberry Chia Seed Jam Recipe

Low Carb Raspberry Chia Seed Jam Recipe | All Day I Dream About Food

  • 1pack  fresh or frozen raspberries
  • 1/4  cup natural sweetener (  erythrito, xylitol)
  • 3 tbsp water
  • 3 tbsp chia seeds
  1. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine berries, swetener and water.
  2. Bring to a boil and cook until berries are soft enough to mash with a fork. Mash to desired consistency.
  3. Remove from heat and stir in chia seeds. Let cool.
  4. Transfer to a glass jar and refrigerate 2 to 3 hours to set.
  5. Keep refrigerated.

  • 1op. malin swiezych lub mrozonych ( 150g )
  • 1/4  szkl ( szkl= 250 ml ) naturalnego slodzika  (  erythrito, xylitol)
  • 3lyzki wody
  • 3lyzki nasion chia
  1. maliny, wode i slodzik umieszczamy w sredniej wielkosci garnku. Rozgniatamy maliny widelcem i podgrzewamewamy do wrzenia
  2. zdejmujemy z ognia i dodajemy nasiona chia. Mieszamy do momentu uzyskania wlasciwej konsystencji
  3. rzekladamy do sloika i odstawiamy do lodowki na 2-3h do stezenia
    Przechowujemy w lodowce.

Raspberry Almond Thumbprints


 our slightly modified version

  • 1 1/4 cup almond flour
  • 1 tbsp coconut flour 
  • 2 tbsp whey protein
  • 1/2 tsp baking baking soda + a pinch of cream of tartar
  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 1/4 cup natural sweetener ( coconut sugar, xylitol)
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tsp almond extract( I used raspberry extract)
  • 1/4 cup Raspberry Chia Seed Jam

  • Glaze ( optional )
  • 3 tbsp confectioner’s sweetener ( natural, healthy option)
  • 1/4 tsp almond extract
  • 1 to 2 tbsp water
  1. Preheat oven to 170 C and line a baking sheet with parchment
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together almond flour, coconut flour and baking powder.
  3. In a large bowl, beat butter with sweetener until well combined and fluffy. Beat in egg yolk and almond extract. Beat in almond flour mixture until well incorporated.
  4. Form dough into scant 1 inch balls and place two inches apart on prepared baking sheet. Press each ball down to about 1/2 inch high. Using your thumb, press an indentation into the center of each cookie.
  5. Spoon about 1/2 teaspoon of jam into each and bake until just barely browning around the edges, 10 to 12 minutes. Cool on pan. The cookies will not seem set but will continue to firm up at they cool.
  6. Glaze:
  7. In a small bowl, whisk together sweetener, almond extract and water until a pourable consistency is achieved. Drizzle over cooled cookies.


  • 1 1/4 szkl ( szkl= 250ml)  mielonych migdalow
  • 1 lyzka maki kokosowej
  • 2 lyzki proteiny serwatkowej ( lub zamiast niej - dodatkowo 1/4 szkl migdalow )
  • 1/2 lyzeczki sody + szczypta winianiu potasu  ( ew 1/2 lyzeczki proszku do pieczenia bez dodatku aluminium, maki pszenney/ryzowej itd )
  • 1/2 szkl zmiekczonego masla/oleju kokosowego
  • 1/4 szkl naturalnego cukru ( kokosowy, ksylitol, erythrinol )- w przepisie jest 2x wiecejwiec opcjonalnie mozna ilosc podwoic
  • 1 zoltko
  • 1 lyzeczka ekstraktu migdalowego ( dodalam malinowy )
  • 1/4 szkl dzemu malinowego z nasionami chia

  • lukier ( opcjonalnie)
  • 3 lyzki slodzika konfekcyjnego ( naturalna opcja )
    1/4 lyzeczki ekstraktu migdalowego
  • 1 do 2 lyzek wody

  1. wlaczyc piekarnik i nagrzac do temp 170 C . Blache do pieczenia wylozyc papierem
    n a large bowl, beat butter with sweetener until well combined and fluffy. Beat in egg yolk and almond extract.
  2. w wiekszej misce  utrzec maslo/olej kokosowy i cukier na puszysta mase. Dodac zoltko, ekstrakt i polaczyc ubijajac dobrze 
  3.  w mniejszej polaczyc sypkie skladniki i dodac do masy maslanej . Wyrobic ciasto, w razie potrzeby podsypac dodatkowo maka migdalowa.  Tworzyc kulki wielkosci orzecha, rozkladac je na papierze w ok 3cm odstepach  rozgniatajac do grubosci ok 1 cm i tworzac w srodku dolek  kciukiem Spoon about 1/2 teaspoon of jam into each and bake until just barely browning around the edges, 10 to 12 minutes. Cool on pan. The cookies will not seem set but will continue to firm up at they cool.
  4. Glaze:
  5.  dolek zapelniamy od `/2 lyzeczki dzemu malinowego, wstawiamy do piekarnika i pieczemy na zloty kolor- ok 10-12 min. Pozostawiamy do wystudzenia na blasze.  Ciastka beda wygladaly na miekkie i nieupieczone ale z czasem stwardnieja. Najlepiej w lodowce

    w malej miseczce polaczyc slodzik, ekstrakt i wode do momentu osiagniecia gladkiej konsysnetncji.  Nabierajac na lyzeczke `polukrowac` ciastka  tworzaz zygzakowate lini( bez calkowitego pokrywania powierzchni )