Friday 5 December 2014

Ginger Cookies

   based on this recipe but with a few changes along the line

 for approx 30 cookies

 5 cups almond flour
1/2 cup cashew flour
1/4 cup whey protein powder
2 eggs
 2 TBSP molasses
5 tsp butter
1 tsp soda + 1/3 tsp cream of tartar
 1/2 tsp salt
2 TBSP  ground ginger
 approx 1/4 cup coconut flour for dusting


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Combine the dough ingredients in a food processor and process until a smooth ball of dough forms, about 30 seconds. Alternatively, mix all of the ingredients in a stand mixer or by hand. The food processed dough will be ultra smooth and the most like a conventional sugar cookie.
  3. Flatten the ball of dough into a ½” thick disk and wrap in plastic wrap. Chill for 20 minutes.( I skipped this part)
  4. Roll the dough out between two sheets of parchment paper, keeping it to a ¼” thickness ( I only used parchment paper underneath dusting it a little with coconut flour as well as the top ) Remove the top sheet and sprinkle the top of the dough with 1 teaspoon coconut flour, rubbing it in slightly with your fingers. Dip a cookie cutter in a little flour then cut your shapes, peeling away excess dough as you work. Gather the excess dough into a ball and re-roll it. If it starts to dry out or crack as you work with it the second or third time, lightly wet your hands before kneading the scraps to add a little moisture back into the dough.
  5. Bake the cookies on a tray lined with parchment paper for 8-10 minutes ( actually it rook us probably around 12-15 min but the temperature was a little lower ). Cool completely on a wire rack.

  • 6 tablespoons coconut butter (also called coconut cream concentrate)
  • ¼ cup raw cacao butter, chopped
  • ¼ cup honey
  • ¼ cup cold coconut milk
    optional: food coloring (this brand is all natural or use 1 tablespoon finely ground freeze dried strawberries or raspberries – you may need to add extra liquid to achieve desired consistency if using the dried fruit)

  1. Warm the cacao butter and coconut butter over low heat until melted, but not boiling. Pour it into a bowl and whisk in the cold coconut milk and honey. Refrigerate for 20 minutes to set.
  2. Scrape the frosting into a blender or food processor and pulse a few times until the frosting is smooth and fluffy. Add any food coloring if desired or leave white.
  3. Pipe designs or spread frosting onto cooled cookies.
    *For the glossy look that I achieved with the dark pink heart, I first piped a thin border around the outside of the cookie and placed it in the fridge to harden for 10 minutes. Then I melted a little bit of the frosting until it was liquid and poured a little inside the border. I tilted the cookie around until the frosting “flooded” the space and stopped at the border. The others are just spread with an offset spatula then piped with designs.

  Ciasteczka imbirowe z melasa ( pierniczki w zasadzie )

na ok 30 ciastek

 5 szkl ( szkl = 250ml )  mielonych migdalow
1/2 szkl maki  z nerkowca
1/4 szkl bialka serwatkowego ( osiaganego w niskich temp 0
2 jajka
 2 lyzki melasy
5 lyzeczek masla/oleju kokosowego
1 lyzeczka sody +1/3 lyzeczki winianu potasu
 1/2 lyzeczki soli
2 lyzki imbiru
ok 1/4 szkl  maki kokosowej

 nagrzac piekarnik do temp 180st i przygotowac blache
 wszystkie skladniki wymieszac( mikserem ok 30 sekund albo recznie)

I teraz w przepisie jest zalecenie by ciasto najpierw schlodzic ( podzielic na dwie czesci, ulepic kule z kazdej , splaszczyc do grubosci ok 7 mm , zawinac w folie i wstawic do lodowki na ok 20 min. Nastepnie  wylozyc  na papier, przykryc druga warstwa papieru i dopiero rozwalkowac do grubosci ok 3 mm. Nastepnie  zdjac gorna warstwe, oproszyc maka kokosowa, w mace tez zanurzyc  foremke do wycinania i  dopiero wycinac.
 Szczerze mowiac ja nic z tych rzeczy. Wycinalo sie pieknie, odciski pieczatka nawet i nie bylo zadnego problemu ale mozliwe ze to ze wzgledu na zmiany jakie wprowadzilam ( ponizej podam przepis w oryginale )
  Jesli troche przylegaly do papieru, to podwazalismy plaskim nozem i z powodzeniem dalo sie je przeniesc na blache .

 Pozniej do nagrzanego piekarnika i wg przepisu powinny piec sie ok 8-10 min
 My ustawilismy temp na tak ok 160 C i troche dluzej to trwALO ( moze ok 12 do 15 min ) a jeszcze dluzej kiedy chcielismy  bardziej chrupiaca partie

 I jeszcze przepis w oryginale

tutaj na 12 srednich ciastek

  • 2½ szkl maki migdalowej/mielonych migdalow
  • ¼szkl miodu
  • 1 jajko
  • 2 lyzeczki niesolonego masla lub oleju kokosowego
  • 2 lyzeczki ekstraktu waniliowego
  • ½ lyzeczki sody
  • ¼ lyzeczki soli
  • 1 lyzeczka maki kokosowej - do oproszenie

    wykonanie jak powyzej

     i jeszcze lukier

  • 6 lyzek `kremu` kokosowego ( zmiksowany miazsz kokosowy- cos pomiedzyolejem a mlekiem bo jedno i drugie razem )
  • ¼ szkl surowego masla kakaowego posiekanego w drobna kostke
  • ¼ szkl miodu
  • ¼ szkl zimnego mleka kokosowego
    opcjonalnie :naturalne barwniki i estrakt
  • maslo kakaowe i ekstrakt kokosowy podgrzac na malym ogniu, do stopienia ale nie zagotowania.

     Przelac do miski i rozgrzepac z zimnym mlekiem kokosowym i miodem. Wstawic do lodowki na 20 min
  • wyjac z lodowki i ubic na puszysta mase

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! Gonna gry this recipe:) Where do you shop for the ingredients?
