Friday, 29 June 2012



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Maria's Nutritious and Delicious Journal: Garlic Zucchini "HUMMUS" and Cinnamon-Sugar Hummus

Maria's Nutritious and Delicious Journal: Garlic Zucchini "HUMMUS" and Cinnamon-Sugar Hummus:

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  I used this Maria`s hummus modification  but  also added some macadamia nuts paste

"HEALTHIFIED" GARLIC HUMMUS1 large zucchini, cut into chunks1/2 cup tahini1 clove garlic, peeled1 TBS macadamia nut or olive oil2 TBS lemon juice1 tsp cumin1 tsp smoked paprika1 tsp Celtic sea salt
Combine all the ingredients in a high powered blender or food processor and process until smooth. Taste and adjust the seasonings to taste. Makes 4 servings.
CINNAMON-SUGAR "HUMMUS" VARIATION: Omit the garlic, cumin, and paprika. Add 1/4 cup Swerve (or 1 tsp stevia glycerite) and 2 tsp cinnamon. Serve with BAGEL CHIPS (recipe in Kids Cookbook).
NUTRITIONAL COMPARISON (per cup)Traditional Hummus = 435 calories, 21g fat, 10g protein, 49.9g carbs, 9g fiber (40.9 effective carbs)"Healthified" Hummus = 228 calories, 19g fat, 6.5g protein, 10.5g carbs, 3.9g fiber (6.6 effective carbs) 

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

"Puppy Chow" Almonds

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 used the following ingredients for this recipe:
1/4 cup of coconut oil, melted1/4 cup of cocoa powder1/4 cup of powdered sugar substitute, to taste (I used Swerve Sweetener)1/4 cup peanut butter (no sugar added)2 cups almonds3/4 cup of powdered sugar substitute 
Mix the first four ingredients.  You may need to heat the peanut butter in order to combine.  Add the almonds and stir to coat.  Place the almonds in a ziplock bag and add the remaining powdered sugar substitute.  Shake the bag until the almonds are fully coated.  ENJOY!

Net Carb Count*:31 net carbs (for the entire recipe) 
*Note carb counts are estimated based on the products I used. Check nutrition labels for accurate carb counts. 
Comments:  The Lean Green Bean had a brilliant idea of making puppy chow with almonds.  I am so happy I found this recipe on Pinterest and was able to make a lower carb version.  I was running low on Swerve powdered sugar substitute so the coating isn't as snowy white, but still delicious!  It was suggested that this recipe can also be made with almond butter instead of peanut butter and I think that would be just as delicious!

Monday, 25 June 2012

Savory Pecan Biscuits

All Recipes - Roost: A Simple Life:

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  ( source: Roost  )

Savory Pecan Biscuits 
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 1 1/2 cup pecan meal (Whole Foods sells this in the bulk section or you can make you own by grinding up raw pecans, if you can not find pecans in your area you can substitute with additional almond flour)
  • 1 tsp salt 
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 cup ghee, melted (or oil of your choice)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 TBS chopped rosemary
  • almond flour for dusting
Preheat oven to 350F. Place dry ingredients a bowl and mix well. Place wet ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Combine wet and dry ingredients until a dough is formed. 
Place a sheet of parchment paper on the counter and sprinkle with almond flour (about 1/4 cup) place dough on top and knead until a biscuit dough consistency (not too sticky but not crumbly either). If you need to sprinkle with additional almond flour that is fine.
Form dough into a ball and place an additional sheet of parchment on top. Using a rolling pin roll dough until it is about two inches high. 
Remove top piece of parchment and using a biscuit cutter cut out biscuits and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. 
Repeat process with remaining dough. Place in oven for 20-25 minutes.
Garlic and Herb Confit
  • 30 cloves of garlic, peeled
  • 5 thin slices of meyer lemon (or regular lemon)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 TBS chopped thyme
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 cup olive oil
Preheat oven to 300F. Place all ingredients in an oven proof dish with a lid (I used a ceramic crock pot). Gently toss everything to coat and place in the oven for 30 minutes.
After thirty minutes carefully stir everything in the pot and cook for an additional 30 minutes. 
Remove from oven and set aside to cool a bit.
Remove and discard bay leaves. At this point you can pour all ingredients into a well sealed jar and keep in fridge for up to two weeks, using the garlic and herb oil as needed. Or you may blend it all into a thick paste which is what I have chosen. 
For the latter, simply remove and discard the lemon slices and set aside 1/4 cup of the infused oil (we will use this for frying the sage). Place everything else in a blender and blend until desired consistency.
Crispy Sage 
  • 1/4 cup of the reserved garlic oil
  • a handful of fresh sage leaves
Heat oil over medium heat. Carefully place sage leaves in the oil and cook on each side, about 1 minute. Place fried sage on a paper towel lined plate and sprinkle with salt.
Place a warm biscuit on a plate. Top with a generous dollop of the garlic confit and garnish with a crispy sage leaf.


Wytrawne ciastka pekanowo-ziolowe

1 miarka mielonych migdalow ( miarka= ok 220 ml)
1 1/2 miarki mielonych orzechow pekan ( w przepisie z adnotacja ze z braku ww, mozna zastapic rownowartoscia migdalow dodatkowo)
1 lyzeczka soli
1 lyzeczka sody
1/4 miarki masla/oleju kokosowego, ghee czy innego tluszczu ( stopionego)
2 jajka
1 lyzka rozmarynu ( dalam tymianek)
dodatkowo troche mielonych migdalow do podsypania
Piekarnik nagrzac do 180 st
Wszystkie suche skladniki do jednej miski i dobrze wymieszac
W drugiej misce roztrzepac jajka troche i wymieszac z roztopionym tluszczem
polaczyc suche i mokre i wymieszac dobrze zagniatajac ciasto.
Na stopnicy czy stole rozlozyc papier do pieczenia, posypac dodatkowa iloscia migdalow mielonych ( ok 1/4 miarki- wiecej jesli trzeba) i zagniesc ciasto o konsystencji takiej jak na ciastka- ani nie za rzadkie, ani nie za twarde. Przykryc drugim arkuszem papieru i rozwalkowac do grubosci ok 3 cm- ja rozwalkowalam tak na 2 cm i wycinalam pozniej mniejsze)
usunac gorna warstwe papieru i wycinac ciastka foremka, rozkladac na wylozonej papierem blasze. Wstawic do nagrzanego piekarnika i piec ok 20-25 min

Podawac z czosnkowo-ziolowa pasta

( u nas to bylo mazidlo z czarnych oliwek, swiezej bazylii, oliwy, fety i suszonych pomidorow_ zabek czosnku bo nie moglismy sie doczekac tej czosnkowej pomady ;-P )

A z pomada to tak

30 zabkow czosnku- obranych
5 cienkich plasterkow cytryny
2liscie laurowe
2 lyzki posiekanego tymianku
1 lyzeczka soli
1miarka oliwy
Piekarnik nagrzac do 150C
ww skladniki umiescic w naczyniu zaroodpornym z przykryciem, i wstawic do piekarnika na ok pol godz.
Po tym czasie, wyjac, znowu zamieszac i wstawic na kolejne pol godz
Wyjac z piekarnika i odstawic do przestygniecia (lekkiego)

Wyjac liscie laurowe 
Reszte mozna przelac do sloika i przechowywac w lodowce do ok 2 tyg stosujac czosnek i olej ziolowy do roznych celow albo zmiksowac na gesta paste do powyzszego celu icon_smile.gif
( wyjmujac uprzednio plastry cytryny i odlewajac 1/4 oliwy)

Chipsy szalwiowe

1/4 miarki oliwy ziolowej ( zachowanej powyzej)
garsc lisci szalwi
Oliwe podgrzac na srednim ogniu, dodawac stopniowo liscie szalwii i podsmazac przez ok 1 min
Odkladac na papierowy recznik i posypac lekko sola

Twenty Six - Roost - Roost: A Simple Life

Twenty Six - Roost - Roost: A Simple Life:

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Sunday, 24 June 2012

Treasure hunt- Bootfair beauties

More painting project/ furniture revamping

Old pine chest of drawers ( originally from my husband`s teenage bedroom) made new
 with a touch of chalk paint and most charming ceramic handles( which I purchased at a boot fair a few years ago for next to nothing)
 We will probably use it in girls` bedroom this time

chair ( made in Estonia)

Boys` Bedroom- continuing project

  Just finished this mini cabinet / bed table and working on low bed ( with pallet base)

Dana’s Big Gardening Adventure: Belgian endive « Dana McCauley’s food blog

Dana’s Big Gardening Adventure: Belgian endive « Dana McCauley’s food blog:

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Growing Belgian Endive, Scorzonera and Salsify

Growing with Plants: Growing Belgian Endive, Scorzonera and Salsify:

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Growing with Plants: Growing and Forcing Belgian Endive

Growing with Plants: Growing and Forcing Belgian Endive:

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Photography Basics : Let’s Talk Focus | Becoming Mom | mommy tips and photography tricks

Photography Basics : Let’s Talk Focus | Becoming Mom | mommy tips and photography tricks:

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Sunscreen and skin cancer | EWG's Skin Deep® | 2012 Sunscreen Report

Sunscreen and skin cancer | EWG's Skin Deep® | 2012 Sunscreen Report:

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UC Europe

UC Europe:

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About family values

Wróg publiczny nr 1 |

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31 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects

31 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects:

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Pop Psychology: Emotional Vampires [Archive] - The Phora

Pop Psychology: Emotional Vampires [Archive] - The Phora:

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Deco-Pasja: nitro transfer

Deco-Pasja: Moje NITRO-próby:

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Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution | GARDEN SALAD WITH BUTTERMILK DRESSING | Jamie Oliver (US):

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 our favourite salad dressing by Jamie O



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Kitchen sessions and lost teeth

Two at once!!

Monday, 18 June 2012

Father`s Day special

coco-choco ( coconut cake with raw chocolate chunks) with whipped cream and strawberries 
Yunnan rose tea
 elderflower cordial

                                                                  lots of hugs and cuddlies

Saturday, 16 June 2012

DesignDreams by Anne: Home Made Chalk Paint Project

DesignDreams by Anne: Home Made Chalk Paint Project:

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 chalk paint recipe

Calcium Carbonate

2 parts paint

1 part Calcium Carbonate

My hands down #1 choice was the Calcium Carbonate Recipe…which makes good sense since Calcium Carbonate is chalk!
It mixed into the paint easily, had the perfect consistency,  coverage was fantastic, dried within 30 minutes, AND left me with a perfect chalky finish.  I stored the left over paint in a yogurt container and it kept the same consistency for days. (I did stir it vigorously each time before use.)
The only downfall to my #1 choice was I had a difficult time finding it!  Not many stores sell it in powder form and the pill form won’t work even if you grind them up.
My local pharmacy ordered it in for me and I picked it up 4 days later.  Since then, I’ve found a good grade Calcium Carbonate On-line and will be ordering from the comfort of my home. :)

As I mentioned above, the Plaster of Paris recipe was used to re-purpose the sewing table into a desk, but I used the Calcium Carbonate Chalk Paint to paint the matching chair.  Can you tell the difference?

Plaster of Paris Recipe

3 parts Paint

1 part Plaster of Paris

Water to mix

My number 2 pick is the Plaster of Paris recipe.
I made a smooth paste with the plaster of paris and water before mixing it into the paint.  When mixed well, it was silky smooth and applied just as nicely as brand name chalk paint.
The second day it did thicken a little and appeared a little grainy, but after a thorough mixing it was fine.
The left over paint was stored in a glass pickle jar and used again 2 weeks later.

Plaster of Paris Chalk Paint Cost - $6.oo for a large box which will last for a looong time + cost of latex paint
Time Involved -  Easy to find Plaster of Paris on-line or at any Lowes, Home Depot, Rona, Canadian Tire or craft store.  3-5 minutes to measure and mix it thoroughly into the water and paint.
Application - Fabulous! The consistency was great and it applied like brand name chalk paint.
Adhesion & Coverage - Great! No priming or prep required.  Applied 3 coats for compete coverage.
Odour - None other than the latex paint used.
Distressing - Requires sanding.  Not as effortless as with a brand name chalk paint (ie rubbing with dampened cloth).
Clean Up - Cleans up like regular latex (brand name chalk paint clean up is much easier)
Finish - The finished look is exactly like a brand name chalk paint. Smooth, chalky and lovely.

Shabby Love: End Table Redo

Shabby Love: End Table Redo:

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Spring garden / awaiting our guest

No Minimalist Here

No Minimalist Here:

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Custom Color Chalkboard Paint - Martha Stewart Organizing Crafts

Custom Color Chalkboard Paint - Martha Stewart Organizing Crafts:

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How To Make Your Own Chalkboard Paint ~ Free Craft Recipe

How To Make Your Own Chalkboard Paint ~ Free Craft Recipe:

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 powder tile grout [Not Sanded]
Great do it yourself project for those small chalk board projects. Easy and choose any color you like!
How to:

The single most frequently asked question is where can I buy coloured chalk board paint? Unfortunately, this product was
discontinued a few years back and I have not been able to find another... So with a little effort, I managed to put together a
recipe that works! Now you can make your own chalk board paint in any colour you choose and don't have to settle for the
standard black and green.

Mix together all of the ingredients listed above, blend really well and that's it.
You now have chalkboard paint!
You should only
mix as much as you will need for your project. It doesn't keep well, but can be stored in an air tight container for a few hours.
After a longer period of time, the paint will begin to thicken a little and become a bit brittle.

Helpful Hints:
Apply your paint with a regular paint brush and allow each coat of paint to dry completely, before applying the next. After each
coat of paint, gently sand the paint with a 400 grit or higher grit sandpaper and wipe away any dust. This will help keep your
painted surface nice and smooth.

You also need to condition your chalkboard, once you have finished painting. Be sure your paint is completely dry. Place a
piece of chalk on the side and rub over the entire chalkboard surface, covering the entire area with chalk. Using a felt cloth,
wipe off the chalk you just applied. With a slightly damp cloth, wipe the chalkboard clean.

Now your chalkboard is ready

Recipe Ingredients:

3 teaspoons acrylic paint [colour of choice]
1 1/2 teaspoons glazing medium [water based]
1/2 teaspoon